Should I take Pass Plus?

So you’ve just passed your driving test and you’re wondering if you should take the Pass Plus course. Let’s take a closer look at the main points :

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is an advanced driver training course that is designed to make you a safer driver. Pass plus is usually taken by young drivers shortly after passing their driving tests, but there is no age limit.

What does the Pass Plus scheme course you?

The Pass Plus course covers driving in six different situations:

  1. Town driving: This includes driving through/around junctions, navigating bus lanes/cycle lanes etc.

  2. Adverse weather conditions: This teaches you how to drive in severe weather conditions, like heavy rain, snow/ice, sunshine, as well as skid prevention and skid handling.

  3. Night driving: Night driving is covered here but going over subjects like using headlights correctly, becoming used to different light levels, and judgement of distances and speed in low light situations.

  4. Rural road driving: Covers driving on narrow country roads, and recognizing safe places to pass.

  5. Dual carriageways: Learn about joining and exiting dual carriageways safely using slip roads, keeping a safe distance, and good lane etiquette.

  6. On motorways: Learn to drive on motorways, follow motorway signs, lane discipline, deal with a vehicle breakdown, and the dangers of driver fatigue.

How much does the Pass Plus course cost?

The Pass Plus driving course usually costs around £200 but much will depend on, the driving instructor you choose, whereabouts you live, and whether you need more than the standard 6 lessons to complete the course.

Is there an additional test?

There’s no test to pass at the end of the course. You’ll be continually assessed by your instructor. Once you reach the required standard in each section of the course you will receive a pass.

Who can take the Pass Plus?

You’ll need to hold a full UK driving licence, and must have passed your test within the last 12 months. Speak to your driving instructor or a local driving school for more information.

Does Pass Plus make car insurance cheaper?

It can, but not always. Many people take the Pass Plus driving course in order to get a lower insurance premium but it’s no guarantee of a discount.

It’s important to shop around for your insurance to find the best price; although Pass Plus may help you get a lower premium there is no evidence to suggest that this is a given. If it makes you a safer and more competent driver you could consider that perhaps you are reducing the likelihood of having an accident, therefore perhaps look at this as an investment in yourself primarily, and perhaps something that can save you money over the longer term (but helping you avoid accidents!).

What do we think?

Pass Plus covers some areas that are rather lacking on the standard driving test. Teaching you to drive at night, to correctly use motorways and dual carriageways, and to help you drive in bad weather really are fundamentals that you owe it to yourself to invest a little extra time and money in. Any one of these points could save your life one day so we are big fans of the Pass Plus scheme - go for it!


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